When it comes to learning new stuff and follow latest technology updates, I have a list of (very) useful resources, which I am using on daily basis to improve my knowledge and understanding of data topics. So, here we go, without any specific order.

  • SQL BI – I truly believe that there a few people (if any), who work in BI area, that haven’t heard about Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari. I consider those guys as true “apostles” of BI, especially when it comes to DAX. Their website is full of useful articles and videos and for me is one of the main learning resources
  • RADACAD – Another fantastic place to speed up your Power BI skills. Reza Rad and Leila Etaati are also well known names within data world. You can also get some e-books for free when you sign up for the newsletter and Reza’s various articles on Power BI topics will make your life (and development) easier
  • DAX.TIPS – This one is strongly focused on DAX and Power BI. When it comes to these topics, Phil Seamark is one of the superstars. Beside authoring multiple Power BI books, Phil shares on his blog many useful tips and tricks for solving specific data modeling problems. His series on creative aggregations should be a “must-read” for every aspiring Power BI developer
  • ALLURINGBI – You should never skip Chris Hamill’s blog if you plan to work seriously on your Power BI reports’ design. You can find here tons of resources, such as templates, backgrounds, etc. Also, many great tips on how you can build appealing report’s design
  • CHRIS WEBB – Another well known name in BI community. Chris shares his ideas covering almost complete BI area – from data modeling techniques, to using specific tools and explaining how things work under the hood.
  • CATHRINE WILHELMSEN – Cathrine is a Microsoft MVP from Norway and I found a lot of interesting resources on her blog. Lately, she focuses on Azure Data Factory and if you want to learn this tool bottom-up, visit her site.
  • BRENT OZAR – True SQL Server legend, I believe that there is no person in SQL Server world who haven’t heard about Brent. His sense of humor when describing real-life scenarios and use-cases is unmatched, same as his knowledge about SQL Server internals

I also check following places on regular basis, since there are bunch of useful articles on all data topics, written by different authors:

If you have some additional suggestions, feel free to share them in comments.

And don’t forget: learning never stops!

Last Updated on January 29, 2020 by Nikola

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