Data Mozart


You can subscribe to Data Mozart YouTube channel:

#1 Paginated Report visual in Power BI

#2 Understanding DirectQuery in Power BI in 10 minutes!

#3 Use Images on Axis in your Power BI reports!

#4 Dynamic Filtering in Power BI!

#5 Create Custom Rating visual in Power BI with 3 lines of DAX!

#6 Unpack VertiPaq – Understand Power BI Engine in 15 minutes!

#7 How to fit 200 Million rows in less than 1 GB in Power BI!

#8 How to reduce your Power BI Data Model size by 90%

#9 Understand Query folding in Power BI in 13 minutes!

#10 How (not) to break Power BI Query folding by changing data types!

#11 Implicit vs Explicit measures in Power BI

#12 3 ways to handle blanks in Power BI!

#13 How to avoid bi-directional relationship for slicers cross-filtering!

#14 Mastering DP-500 Exam: External Tools in Power BI!

#15 Mastering DP-500 Exam: When to use DirectQuery in Power BI!

#16 Mastering DP-500 Exam: Azure Synapse Analytics Pools Demistifyed!

#17 Mastering DP-500 Exam: Design and Build a Large Format Dataset in Power BI!

#18 Mastering DP-500 Exam: Power BI Aggregations – The Ultimate Guide!